MarcEdit - Free MARC maintenance tool

Bernhard Eversberg ev at
Mi Jul 3 08:48:04 CEST 2002

Wer sich fuer MARC interessiert:

Es gibt ein Freeware-Programm, MarcEdit, mit dem man Dateien umfassend 
manipulieren kann, die im Original MARC-Format vorliegen, oder auch solche 
Dateien erzeugen bzw. konvertieren. Ein gewisser Terry Reese (Oregon State Univ.) 
stellt es zur freien Verfuegung.
Es gab als Freeware schon lange die relative simplen Programme MarcMaker und 
MarcBreaker von der LC, mit denen man die Original-MARC-Struktur (mit 
"directory") in eine Textdatei und zurueck verwandeln konnte. MarcEdit kann 
erheblich mehr und ist ein Windows-Programm.
Es folgt die Originalmeldung mit den Einzelheiten:

------- Forwarded message follows -------
Date sent:      	Tue, 2 Jul 2002 22:31:53 -0500
Send reply to:  	AUTOCAT <AUTOCAT at LISTSERV.ACSU.BUFFALO.EDU>, Terry.Reese at
From:           	Terry Reese <Terry.Reese at>
Subject:        	MarcEdit upgrade - Free MARC maintenance tool

Hi folks,

I apologize to those whom this doesn't apply.  However, for those of you
that are current MarcEdit users or like to play with cataloging software,
I've just posted the latest and greatest version of MarcEdit.  The new
version comes with a number of new editing functions, a faster MarcEngine
as well as a number of "add-on" tools to aid users in creating scripting
solutions for common mainenance problems.  Below is a quick description of
the software:

MarcEdit is a free Windows-based utility that runs on any PC (486+) using
Windows 9x/ME/NT/2000/XP.  MarcEdit is made up of two core components: the
MarcEngine and the MarcEditor-in addition to a number of built-in MARC
utilities.  Currently (version 4.1), MarcEdit's MarcEngine supports:
        1.      MARC->mnemonic plain text
        2.      mnemonic plain text->MARC
        3.      MARC->XML - Function uses LC's new MARCXML Schema
        4.      MARC->Dublin Core (unqualified 1.1)
On the other hand, the MARC editor is equipped with numerous global editing
options, like the ability to add or delete fields or subfields, the ability
to edit indicators, and the ability to change indicators.  The MarcEditor
provides MarcEdit with a robust MARC editor, making record maintenance and
record creation a snap.  And speaking of record creation, MarcEdit provides
and integrated interface for utilizing the Library of Congress's web Z39.50
client to import MARC records directly into the MarcEditor.
In addition to MarcEdit's core functions, the current version of MarcEdit
(version 4.1), includes a built-in Script Wizard and Delimited Text
Translator utility.  The MarcEdit Script Wizard has been designed to help
users generate simple scripting solutions for common maintenance problems,
while the MarcEdit Delimited Text Translator provides users with a simple
method for mapping delimited files into MARC.
And for your local IT and development staffs, MarcEdit has been designed
using Microsoft's COM architecture, allowing users to access the
functionality of the MarcEngine through numerous scripting or programming
languages like vbscript, jscript, Visual Basic, C++ and PERL.  The help file
includes a number of simple programming examples in both vbscript and PERL
for most of the application's exposed functions-making your only limitation
your imagination.

As always, MarcEdit is being released as a freeware application.  For a more
complete list of features and documentation, please see the MarcEdit website
at: For those with questions
or comments, please feel free to contact me off-list.

Terry Reese
Information Services
Maps and Gov. Docs
Oregon State University
Corvallis, Or  97331
Phone: 541-737-6384
Fax: 541-737-8267
terry.reese at
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Bernhard Eversberg
Universitaetsbibliothek, Postf. 3329, 
D-38023 Braunschweig, Germany
Tel.  +49 531 391-5026 , -5011 , FAX  -5836
e-mail  B.Eversberg at  

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