einige fragen zu avanti (windows) und avanti (linux)

Thomas Berger ThB at gymel.com
Mi Mär 3 19:48:35 CET 2004

Hash: SHA1

Hallo Herr Lehmann,

| c. welches ist der geeignete installationsort? (oder ist das eine
frage der philosophie?)
| für (mich) sind folgende möglich:
| - /usr/local/avanti
| - /home/avanti
| (hier ist mir z.b. unklar, wie das mit dem sandbox-user gemeint ist....)
| - /root/avanti scheint mir nicht geeignet zu sein

/usr/local/avanti ist nicht verkehrt, dort wuerde ich es unter Solaris
moeglicherweise hinlegen. Unter Linux packe ich es nach
/opt/avanti-x.x.x mit Softlink von /opt/avanti darauf.
Wenn ich es allerdings chrooted betreibe, kommt die Kopie der
Installation, die tatsaechlich ablaeuft, dann nach /var/lib/avanti/jail.

Man sollte sich moeglichst am FHS (Filesystem Hierarchy Standard)
orientieren, http://www.pathname.com/fhs/ :

/opt is reserved for the installation of add-on application software
A package to be installed in /opt must locate its static files in a
separate /opt/<package> or /opt/<provider> directory tree, wherem
<package> is a name that describes the software package and <provider>
is the providers LANANA registered name.

/usr/lib includes object files, libraries, and internal binaries that
are not intended to be executed directly by users or shell scripts.
Applications may use a single subdirectory under /usr/lib. If an
application uses a subdirectory, all architecture-dependent data
exclusively used by the application must be placed within that subdirectory.

The /usr/local hierarchy is for use by the system administrator when
installing software locally. It needs to be safe from being overwritten
when the system software is updated. It may be used for programs and
data that are shareable amongst a group of hosts, but not found in /usr.
Locally installed software must be placed within /usr/local rather than
/usr unless it is being installed to replace or upgrade software in /usr.

This hierarchy holds state information pertaining to an application or
the system. State information is data that programs modify while they
run, and that pertains to one specific host. Users must never need to
modify files in /var/lib to configure a packages operation.
State information is generally used to preserve the condition of an
application (or a group of inter-related applications) between
invocations and between different instances of the same application.
State information should generally remain valid after a reboot, should
not be logging output, and should not be spooled data.
An application (or a group of inter-related applications) must use a
subdirectory of /var/lib for its data. [...] /var/lib/<name> is the
location that must be used for all distribution packaging support.
Different distributions may use different names, of course.

Die einzelnen Datenbanken hingegen gehoeren nach /home/irgendwas
oder nach /srv oder auf einen ganz eigenen Mount, jedenfalls
garantiert nicht nach /usr/irgendwas und normalerweise aus
Platzgruenden auch nicht nach /var/irgendwas.

viele Gruesse
Thomas Berger
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