Help! old version Alegro-C on Novell 3.12 with W2K client

Thomas Berger ThB at
Fr Sep 6 16:07:11 CEST 2002

Hello Jeroen klein Gebbink

> tasks/fileserver and Windows 2000 Client Workstations. The Novell

> 1. Half filled DOS-box screen
> The DOS-box (command.bat or cmd.exe) is configured to run in
> full-screen mode. When I start Alegro-C only the top-half of the
> screen is filled (EGA? resolution of 25 instead of 50 lines). Is this
> something of Alegro-C. WP5.1 on the Novell Server is displayed in VGA
> resolution.

Win 2000 defaults to 50 lines in command windows.
Remedy: Close all windows. Start allegro-C.
"Windowify" to windows mode with Alt-Enter and change
the properties to 80 x 25 (for "all windows with same name").
Bring back to full screen mode and exit allegr.

> 2. Several commands don't work in the right way
> Database Records do open after hitting 'ENTER' twice instead of ones.
> When trying to insert a new record the steps do not display in the
> correct way. Sometimes the screen clears.

No Idea. Maybe your version of allegro is really really old?

> 3. strange character combinations occur
> When I start Alegro-C on a W2K PC I see the normal list but each line
> contains the following combination of characters for the name of the
> entry:   ?[01;32;40m
> The line with the options contains an other combination: ?[00;30;47m

This indicates a missing "ANSI driver". Either add the line


to the end of %SystemRoot%\system32\config.nt
or use a "loadable" a for instance is included in
newer distributions of allegro-C (or in many flavors present in 
shareware/freeware repositories on the internet).

Hope this helps
Thomas Berger

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