Help! old version Alegro-C on Novell 3.12 with W2K client

Staring Instituut info at
Fr Sep 6 15:26:25 CEST 2002

Hello listmembers,

First of all, excuse me for writing in English instead of German. I can describe the problem better in English.

We use Alegro-C on a Novell v 3.12 server. We recently upgraded our entire network and workstations. Before it was a Novell Network with the v 3.12 server and several IBM compatible PC's running DOS of the Novell server. Now we use a Windows 2000 Server for daily tasks/fileserver and Windows 2000 Client Workstations. The Novell Server is connected to the new network and wil be used for Alegro-C.


1. Half filled DOS-box screen

The DOS-box (command.bat or cmd.exe) is configured to run in full-screen mode. When I start Alegro-C only the top-half of the screen is filled (EGA? resolution of 25 instead of 50 lines). Is this something of Alegro-C. WP5.1 on the Novell Server is displayed in VGA resolution.

2. Several commands don't work in the right way

Database Records do open after hitting 'ENTER' twice instead of ones. When trying to insert a new record the steps do not display in the correct way. Sometimes the screen clears.

3. strange character combinations occur

When I start Alegro-C on a W2K PC I see the normal list but each line contains the following combination of characters for the name of the entry:   ?[01;32;40m
The line with the options contains an other combination: ?[00;30;47m

Can anybody help me to solve the problems? What will I need to do to make our version work in our new windows environment? Has anybody experienced simmilar problems?

Best regards,

Jeroen klein Gebbink
System Operator

Staring Instituut
info at
the Netherlands
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