[Allegro] acon läuft nicht

Blugowski, Roland roland.blugowski at vkk-do.de
Do Feb 24 15:08:53 CET 2011

Hallo liebe Liste,


ich habe den Avanti-Server installiert, glaube aber, dass acon nicht läuft, weil ich beim Server-Test via Telnet keine Zahlenreihe sondern nur "AVANTI:EOR" erhalte. Was ist zu tun?


Hier die Datei "ava.log":

[2011-02-24 14:54:56]   (INFO) avanti started from C:\Programme\Allegro <at C:\avanti\avanti.c, line 295> 

[2011-02-24 14:54:56]   (NOTE) avanti server av-w v30.10 listening on port 4949 <at C:\avanti\avanti.c, line 330> 

[2011-02-24 14:54:56]   (SERV) Status changed to: RUNNING <at C:\avanti\service.c, line 151> 

[2011-02-24 14:55:23]   (NOTE) start slave - C:\Programme\Allegro\avanti.exe -slave <at C:\avanti\avanti.c, line 511> 

[2011-02-24 14:55:23]   (NOTE) <conn 0> opened from host <at C:\avanti\avanti.c, line 524> 

[2011-02-24 14:55:23]   (DATA) Transcript of transferred data:

--- begin ---

ÿû­ÿû ÿûÿû'ÿýÿû 


--- end --- <at C:\avanti\avanti.c, line 414> 

[2011-02-24 14:55:23]     (IO) <conn 0> socket -> stdin (21 bytes) <at C:\avanti\avanti.c, line 581> 

[2011-02-24 14:55:37]   (DATA) Transcript of transferred data:

--- begin ---

find per shakesp?


--- end --- <at C:\avanti\avanti.c, line 414> 

[2011-02-24 14:55:37]     (IO) <conn 0> socket -> stdin (19 bytes) <at C:\avanti\avanti.c, line 581> 

[2011-02-24 14:55:46]   (DATA) Transcript of transferred data:

--- begin ---

list internal


--- end --- <at C:\avanti\avanti.c, line 414> 

[2011-02-24 14:55:46]     (IO) <conn 0> socket -> stdin (15 bytes) <at C:\avanti\avanti.c, line 581> 

[2011-02-24 14:56:28]   (NOTE) Database: @ DB=avdemo ID=opac <at C:\avanti\avanti.c, line 404> 

[2011-02-24 14:56:28]   (DATA) Transcript of transferred data:

--- begin ---

@ DB=avdemo ID=opac/OPAC


--- end --- <at C:\avanti\avanti.c, line 414> 

[2011-02-24 14:56:28]     (IO) <conn 0> socket -> stdin (26 bytes) <at C:\avanti\avanti.c, line 581> 

[2011-02-24 14:56:43]   (DATA) Transcript of transferred data:

--- begin ---



--- end --- <at C:\avanti\avanti.c, line 414> 

[2011-02-24 14:56:43]     (IO) <conn 0> socket -> stdin (12 bytes) <at C:\avanti\avanti.c, line 581> 

[2011-02-24 14:56:43]   (DATA) Transcript of transferred data:

--- begin ---



--- end --- <at C:\avanti\avanti.c, line 414> 

[2011-02-24 14:56:43]     (IO) <conn 0> stdout -> socket (12 bytes) <at C:\avanti\avanti.c, line 625>



Mit freundlichen Grüßen 

Roland Blugowski 


Roland Blugowski 
Vereinigte Kirchenkreise Dortmund 
Jägerstr. 5 
D-44145 Dortmund 
2. Etage, Raum 212 
Fon:    + 049 231 - 8494 209 
Fax:    + 049 231 - 8494 366 
e-mail: roland.blugowski at vkk-do.de 

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