Flex-Befehl fsize

Bernhard Eversberg ev at buch.biblio.etc.tu-bs.de
Mi Jan 29 15:35:17 CET 2003

On 29 Jan 03, at 15:26, Anando Eger wrote:

> ------------------------------------------------------------------
> Compatibility
> The Microsoft run-time library supports American 
> National Standards Institute (ANSI) C and UNIX® C. 
> In this book, references to UNIX include XENIX®, 
> other UNIX-like systems, and the POSIX subsystem 
> in Windows NT and Windows 95. The description of 
> each run-time library routine in this book includes 
> a compatibility section for these targets: ANSI, 
> Windows 95 (listed as Win 95), and Windows NT (Win NT).
> All run-time library routines included with this 
> product are compatible with the Win32 API.  
> -------------------------------------------------------------------
> (Quelle: MSDN - SDK-Doku)

Das also bedeutet, neben vielen anderen Dingen, dass man aus Programmen 
heraus zuverlaessig / statt \ in Dateinamen schreiben kann!? Einfacher und 
leichter auffindbar haette man es kaum darstellen koennen...


Bernhard Eversberg
Universitaetsbibliothek, Postf. 3329, 
D-38023 Braunschweig, Germany
Tel.  +49 531 391-5026 , -5011 , FAX  -5836
e-mail  B.Eversberg at tu-bs.de  

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